About us
Motionology, the fitness brand of Polynomial, INC. Polynomial and Motionology is rooted as an Health R&D corporation, ace in fitness nutrition supply and body-build formulation. Formulated with simple, straight-forward ingredients, our Motionology protein powder and supplements give your body the edge it needs to perform at its peak. Boost health and unlock peak performance by fueling your body with the nutrients and supplements it needs. Motionology products contain no proprietary blends, and we proudly manufacture all of our products in the U.S.A to conform to strict USDA production protocols.
Our Mission
Motionology strives to produce the most affordable, high quality, nutritional supplements based on validated scientific research. Whether you are professional, a rising collegiate star, amateur competitor, a weekend warrior or just someone who takes their health and fitness seriously, sports nutrition plays in your body’s muscle and strength development, overall performance and recovery. Our expansive line of clinically proven safe and effective supplements reaches all elements of the active, push-the-edge lifestyle— from muscle building, athletic performance, to weight loss and general fitness. The rapid growth of Motionology and its following are testaments to the dedication and commitment of the company’s continued quest to produce the absolute safest and effective sports nutrition products.